Groupe DesyTech - Your events communication partner
Trade fair season in Occitanie: call on a modular stand designer
Wednesday 4 September, 2024
Specializing in the creation of aluminum stands, also known as “modular stands”, our beMatrix stand system enables us to design a customized stand to your image, faster to set up and dismantle, reusable and eco-responsible. See our stands !
...Our expertise

The tactics
Event communications strategy
Recommendation and support – Analysis – Benchmarking – Brand strategy – Media strategy – Communication actions

The Technology
Our technical solutions
Video – Sound – Lighting – Truss – Electrical distribution – Heating – Computing/IT – Special effects and fireworks – Decoration/Furniture – Large printing and cutting – Reception gazebos

The event
Turnkey solutions for B2B events
Stand – Launch of product – Inauguration – Open days – Enterprise conference – Seminar – Reception – Gala reception – Sporting event
They trusted us
Without a doubt, our greatest reward !

Sport Creative - Monza F1 Grand Prix - 2019
As part of our collaboration on the European Grand Prix Fan Zone, we accompanied the development of merchandising stores with a digital signage solution combining SpinetiX HMP350 and beMatrix LEDskin.

LA POSTE GROUPE - LA POSTE GROUPE - DEX Occitanie Convention - 2023
Turnkey technical services.
Scenography – Sound – Lighting – Video – Structure – Electrical distribution – Printing – Goodies…

Management of the Drôme department stand.
Supply of professional kitchen equipment
Assembly and management of the main arch (beTruss and beMatrix frames).
Provision of the IT network
Video control: 1 camera and 2 PTZ Camera systems and 8m² of 2.06mm pitch LED screen

MAIRIE D'ALBI - Trade Fair of Albi - 2022
Turnkey stand 112m² : design, production, installation.
beMatrix modular and beTruss system, LEDskin screen, large format printing and furniture.

FFBB - Basketball World Cup - 2019
During the preparation for the 2019 Basketball World Cup at the Palais des Sports in Toulouse, we provided the FFBB with the court stickers, the outdoor VIP area, the management of the video cube, and the press room.

RUAG - Inauguration of a new production building in Terssac - 2018
Turnkey event, from The Tactics to The Event by way of The Technology.
Technical management, stage setting, layout, catering, animation, hostesses, furniture, inauguration kit (scissors, ribbon, cushion…).

Territoire d'Énergie Occitanie - Meeting - 2023
Turnkey management of the event: from the management of the invitations to the captation of the video and the live broadcast on our event platform.

Office de Tourisme d'Albi - Inauguration of the new Albi Tourist Office - 2018
Supply, installation, gazebo, LED screen, structure, electrical distribution, furniture, technical control room (sound, light, video).
Large format textile printing.

Team Creative - Exhibition Alimentaría - Barcelona - 2018
Supply, assembly and image management of a 25.5m² beMatrix LEDskin display.

Ligue Régionale d'Occitanie de BasketBall - General Meeting - 2018
Within the scope of our partnership with the Ligue Occitanie BasketBall, we accompanied the league during its first General Assembly by providing all the audiovisual technology and the layout: beMatrix modular system, LEDskin screen, technical control room (sound, video) and furniture.

Turnkey 84m² stand: conception, design and installation.
beMatrix modular system, furniture, large format printing and lighting.

VOLVO TRUCK CENTER LANGUEDOC - Grand Prix Camions Albi - 2023
216m² outdoor stand: outdoor led screen, furniture, X-gloo tent, floor, mezzanine.

Electronique Service - Habitarn Fair Trade - Albi 2022
Turnkey stand 9m²: conception, design and installation.
LED display, beMatrix modular system, video content, furniture, large format printing.

ALBI RUN URBAIN - 5th edition of the Albi Run Urbain - 2023
Double-sided video arch with integrated timing.
Supply of 20m² of Ledskin beMatrix screen fixed to the beTruss. Video management with a SpinetiX player (dynamic display).
Sport Creative collaborated with the company Desytech and more particularly Julien Vallet, from May to September 2019 as part of the Formula 1 Grand Prix fan events.
On this occasion, he demonstrated a lot of skills in managing a music stage (lighting, sound, video and special effects) and the efficiency of his work greatly satisfied us.
Julien has proven to be a reliable and responsible person, both in his work and in his relationships with our colleagues and clients.
We therefore wanted to thank her for her curiosity and her involvement in her daily work.
That’s why we highly recommend his services. We are convinced that he can be an appreciable asset in the organization of events.
Olivier VIAUD, Managing Director Of Sport Creative
« Desytech est un partenaire de longue date de la Ville d’Albi qui sert efficacement l’image de notre collectivité. Il apporte un savoir-faire fondé sur une approche technique efficace et des technologies innovantes qui participent au dynamisme des espaces que nous développons sur les foires, salons et évènements. Pour exemple, la qualité des solutions d’aménagement proposées par Desytech, lors du Tour de France 2019, ont largement contribué à l’attractivité des stands développés par la Ville dont le Fan Park animé avec les partenaires de la Ville présents. »
Communication Department
“Nous avons sollicité la société DesyTech pour l’organisation du nouvel accueil de l’Office de Tourisme. Le groupe a été très réactif, à l’écoute de nos besoins et surtout très disponible le jour même. Nous avions demandé un écran géant pour projeter en direct une performance artistique. La qualité de l’écran était parfaite. Nous avions aussi installé un photocall sous le chapiteau pour que les invités puissent se faire prendre en photo (nos sponsors étaient inscrits sur une bâche en fond), l’ensemble a très bien fonctionné et nos invités étaient ravis de cette initiative. Nous avons tous vraiment apprécié de travailler avec DesyTech sur cet événement particulier pour nous et sur lequel nous étions attendu.”
Stéphanie Tonon, Director of the Tourist Office of Albi
“DesyTech es una empresa que se implica al 100% con el cliente, que ofrece una muy alta calidad de servicios gracias a un personal profesional, atento y amable, y siempre ofrece un buen precio para sus servicios.”
Blai Masip
“Nous travaillons avec DesyTech depuis plusieurs années et nous n’avons jamais été déçu. C’est un prestataire qui réalise un travail de qualité et sur lequel nous pouvons compter, notamment dans l’organisation technique de nos événements régionaux mais également nationaux.”
Justine Romboletti, PR Manager